After MUCH anticipation, I finally checked something great off of my bucket list a couple weeks ago. Think sugar, think calories, then think more sugar and more calories. Now multiply that by 10 and you’ve got yourself a Black Tap milkshake.
I first learned about the magical land that is Black Tap through one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE foodie blogs, Kevin & Amanda. They did a piece called “Birthday Weekend in NYC,” and to this day every time I scroll through that particular post I can feel my cravings mounting. I mean it’s no wonder though, right? After living in LA for 4 months and having taken dozens of trips to NYC, I can tell you with certainty that big cities are where all the fUnKiEsT/coolest/most delicious foods are at. You really could live in the city for a lifetime and never try everything. But I’m getting off topic here.
After deciding that we weren’t going to eat lunch to save room for our shake (yes shake, singular, we we also decided it would be best for our waistline to order just one), my best friend Jordan and I headed off to Midtown where we proceeded to grab lunch and each order our individual shakes. TO BE FAIR we had a salad for lunch (in the name of balancing our ice cream, you need a vegetable- duh, the calories themselves don’t matter, right?)
I swear we really try to be healthy, but whenever we’re together it just doesn’t happen.

We made it to Black Tap around 12 p.m. on a Thursday afternoon, so the line thankfully wasn’t too bad, only a few people ahead of us and we got seated at the bar quickly because there was only the two of us. Pro tip: come with a larger party at dinner time on a weekend and you may not be so lucky!
Now came the hard part- decisions. We had the following eight shakes to choose from, and I will admit, the blogger in me wanted to order them all to get a bomb ass photo. HOWEVER at $15 a pop, I restrained.

Can you guess which ones we chose?? Before you read any further be prepared for perhaps some of the most beautiful food you have ever laid eyes on.
I do not say that lightly.
Colors galore and heavenly goodness await you as soon as you scroll down.

Jordan’s pick (featured left)- Sweet N’ Salty
Jess’s pick (featured right)- Brooklyn Blackout
Diving into these bad boys was pure bliss (aside from the fact that Jordan’s stomach had started hurting as soon as we got there, but we’ll choose not to focus on that). The only downside was whatever superglue-hopefully-edible-concoction they use on the side of the glasses to get all of the candies to stick. I had to REALLY scrape away in order to get all of the fudge/chocolate chips off… and yes, if you’re wondering, I had to eat every last bite. There was no option.
Next came posing with our shakes because naturally what else do you do when you order pretty food and you’re a millennial? Instagram rules the world I tell ya. If you don’t believe me, check out this restaurant that specifically designed its plates for food to look good on Instagram. May have to head there next.
If you’re looking to check out Black Tap for yourself, there are locations in the Lower East Side, SOHO & the Meatpacking District as well.
What is your favorite NYC food/restaurant?! Comment below so I can make it a part of my next trip!