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Drawing Creative Inspiration from Instagram


Sometimes, inspiration flows through me. I have to sprint to get to my laptop or to a piece of paper because the thoughts and ideas are coming to me so quickly I can hardly keep up.

But then there’s the days that creating is not so much fun. When I’m on a deadline, or exhausted, or just can’t quite find a space that inspires me to work. That’s when I turn to a little outside help.

Mood boards. They’re kind of old fashioned. But they always do the trick. Cutting out quotes or images from magazines that get the creative juices flowing. Tumblr works as an online mood board when I don’t have old magazines just laying around- the only social media, I have still managed to keep the “social” from. But, when that doesn’t do the trick, I turn to Instagram.

Now that I run social for a living, I need an extra kick in the rear sometimes more than ever. These are my favorite Instagram accounts that I draw creative inspiration from when designing my websites, social media and really, my life. The accounts that just make me go ahhhhh and bring me directly to my happy place:

The House that Lars Built | IG: @houselarsbuilt

Colorful, creative, fun.


Murad Osmann | IG: @muradosmann

Creator of the #followmeto project.


Jack’s Wife Freda | IG: @jackswifefreda

One of the few restaurants not destinations to make my bucket list. Check out their page, you’ll see why.


The Home Edit | IG: @thehomeedit

This book has been ALL over social media lately. 15 year old me is screaming at what these ladies have accomplished and turned into a brand – colorful, obtainable organizing? YES PLEASE.


Color Factory | IG: @colorfactoryco

Calling any and all takers who would like to take a day trip down to the city and back so i can content the heck out of this place.


Darcy Miller | IG: @darcymiller

You’ve gotta know anything related to the queen (Martha) is going to be good.


JoJo Rings | IG:  @jojo_rings

A friend of mine – Jordan, you’re doing it right with your clean, simplistic vibe.


I Have This Thing With Floors | IG: @ihavethisthingwithfloors 

Because who would have known so many beautiful floors existed?


Linda Miller Nicholson | IG: @saltyseattle

She makes art. Out of pasta. C’mon, it doesn’t get cooler than that. I think the moment I was really blown away by this account is when she made a rainbow-colored PASTA DRESS to honor gay pride. Bad freaking ass.


Brittany Wright | IG: @wrightkitchen

I bought one of Brittany’s prints about ten years back -then social media took off, and I’ve been able to enjoy her art any day, any time I want. And I’ll tell you, it just seems to get better and better.


P&Co | IG: @pandco

Unlike many of my other favorite accounts that are bright and colorful, I’m digging the edgier vibe that is P & Co.


Hannah Rheaume | IG: @hannahrheaume

One of my fav travel bloggers. She’s real, her story is incredible, and her presets are to diieee for.


Puni Hakonen | IG: @punikasayshi

My love, my roomie, you inspired me after 4 months sharing a 100 sq foot bedroom and you do still today. Your work is incredible, you deserve a shout out.


We Eat CNY | IG: @weeatcny

Some of the best food photog around, right here in Cuse.


Erin Willey | IG: @eelizaphotos

My go-to for personal portraits/headshots. Girl slays behind a camera.


The Road Les Traveled | IG: @lesleyannemurphy

I did a bit of freelance for The Road Les Traveled for a few years. Truthfully, Lesley was the first person to take a chance on me in a professional capacity, and to this day I’m forever thankful. Her journeys and meaningful travel are what I come back to time and time again when I’m planning my own trips, and her feed is a dreamscape. As if that weren’t enough, she uses her notoriety to bring awareness to causes near and dear to her.

If we’re being honest, you probably wouldn’t be reading this blog right now if it weren’t for her.


Lina Ortega | IG: @linastopmotion

Another super mega talented friend of mine. You’ve got it goin’ on sista. Also is stop motion not like the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?


Libby Rasmussen | IG: @libbylivingcolorfully

For those days that just need a little brightening. Her profile name pretty much says it all.


Pao | IG: @annapaocova

Her bio calls her work “space styling,” and I love that. Friends of mine when I was a kid know that I’ve wanted to be an interior designer for as long as I’ve lived. That gradually transitioned into graphic design, but I think the two are closely tied together, and her account is living proof of that.


Audrey | IG: @brushandbarley

For powerful quotes and beautiful illustrations, look no further.


Here’s hoping these accounts can help kickstart your creativity, too! Did I miss one? Let me know in the comments below!


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