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Homemade Halloween Handouts: How to Spruce Up Your Candy Supply for the Big Day

As a kid, Halloween was hands down my favorite holiday. Aside from the Fourth of July that is, but that was only because I led myself to believe for years that the fireworks were set off especially for me on my birthday. Still have a hard time accepting that no one cares about my birthday when America’s is the next day, but that’s a different story.

There’s something about the sudden chill in the air come mid-October, the spooky decorations everywhere, going to pick out a costume, wandering the streets all night with your friends on the prowl for sugar, haunted houses and horror movies, that really sets this holiday apart like none other. I was even so obsessed that one year I set up a haunted house in my parent’s basement- complete with fake blood, airsoft guns set off at unsuspecting intruders, crime scene duct tape, dry ice and a couple pounds of leaves that I raked up from our yard (yeah my parent’s were thrilled)- invited my friends over and recruited my brother and dad to scare them shitless. As a sixth grader, I was pretty damn proud of that that thing.

But those days have passed. And now I’m old. The cold makes my body hurt. There’s no more trick-or-treating in my immediate future until I have kids of my own one day, and the idea of that alone is a horror in itself. However, in the meantime I see it as my responsibility to make every child’s Halloween as special as mine was back in the day. How can I do that without kids/nieces/nephews/godchildren of my own you may ask? Well- I can share some of my personal favorite Pinterest finds with y’all in hopes that you pass them along and share in some of the ~sPoOkY season~ joy.

With Halloween being, well, tomorrow, here are some last minute, quick DIY finds that can spruce up your holiday and separate your house from all the others on the block. Sure, all kids really want is the candy, but why not make the evening a little more festive. There’s a little Martha in all of us after all.

(While I’d love to say these are my original ideas, the following are just some of my favs finds. Many thanks to the Pinterest gods.)

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Halloween Hand Treat Bags: Simple and sanitary. Also allows for a wide variety of candy which was always an A+ house in my book. Nothing used to beat going up to a door, screaming “TRICK OR TREAT” at the top of your lungs and hearing the magic words, “help yourself to more than one!” Yeah, those houses were the real MVP. That could be you this year. Just sayin’. The concept’s not hard, but you can find more info here.

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Self-serve Candy Pumpkins: Not going to be home this Halloween, but still want to do something for the neighborhood kiddos? Try this simple Halloween hack and leave candy on your front door, waiting to be plundered. You can only hope your first visitors leave some for those to come, but hey, that’s out of your hands. Find the how-to, here.

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Mini Mummy Piñata: This one’s for the environmental buff. Reuse and recycle those TP rolls every chance ya get, amirite. Include candy and small toys- another great way to add a little extra interactive fun! Check out the DIY, here.

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Candy Filled Jack-o-lantern Balloons: Similar to the hand treat bags, fill a balloon with candy, blow it up, draw a little face on the front. As spooky or as inviting as you’d like. Boom, done. Pinterest inspiration for these lil’ guys found here.

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Lollipop Ghosts. If all else fails, and you must resort to lollipops, two things you MUST keep in mind. One: use Tootsie Pops or Blow Pops. For God’s sake don’t resort to DumDums, the tasteless, small, pieces of plastic on a stick that they are. Two: decorate, mainly to hide the fact that you’re giving out lolli’s. I will admit, these are by far a better option than apples, but stick to the good stuff if ya can. Channel your inner child if you must. For a quick how-to, click here.

With Halloween evening a mere 24 hours away, if you haven’t stocked up on your sugar fix just yet, hopefully these ideas have inspired you to make it to the store tomorrow.

What are some of your favorite Halloween treats and traditions? Drop them in the comments below ☺️

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